APP Report: Kenilworth School Chief Arrested For…

…defecating on the Holmdel athletic field on a daily base.
According to the report: ‘Holmdel police have charged Kenilworth Public Schools Superintendent Thomas Tramaglini with relieving himself in public early Monday morning after school officials reported finding “daily” deposits of excrement by an athletic field. Tramaglini, 42, a Matawan resident, was issued citations on Monday for public urination or defecation, discarding and dumping of litter, and lewdness, according to the state’s municipal court case database. Lewdness is a disorderly persons offense. Holmdel High School staff and athletic coaches alerted a school resource officer “that they were finding human feces” at or near the track and football field “on a daily basis,” according to a Facebook post by township police.’
Read the full APP article here.
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