Atlantic City to Begin Work on Plaza Honoring LG Shiela Oliver

The Atlantic City groundbreaking for the plaza in honor of the late Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver will occur next week, on Wednesday, March 6th, in the courtyard of City Hall.
“The late great Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver was instrumental in putting Atlantic City where it is today,” said Mayor Marty Small. “She always said she would retire in Atlantic City, and this is Atlantic City’s way of saying ‘thank you’ for supporting us before the state takeover, and as lieutenant governor and commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs. Your name will forever live with this plaza.”
Small had the idea for the plaza, a $5 million project to be completed with CDBG dollars and help from the county, whose property abuts the proposed memorial within City Hall Courtyard.

Wondering what the cause of death was. Media reports vague, silent. Sorry to hear of anyone passing so young.