Bergen County FEMA Test Site At Capacity for Today and Will Reopen Monday

Paramus, N.J. – Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco has announced that the Bergen Community College FEMA test site for COVID-19 has reached capacity today (Sunday March 22nd) and will reopen tomorrow, Monday, March 23rd, at 8 a.m. to administer more tests to residents with symptoms.
“The FEMA test site at Bergen Community College has reached capacity and will reopen tomorrow, Monday, at 8 a.m. to continue testing residents for COVID-19,” said County Executive Tedesco. “Bergen County has the most COVID-19 related cases in the state, with five deaths. It is important that we test as many symptomatic residents as possible. We encourage those coming to the FEMA test site to please remain patient as we continue the process of administering tests.”
To be tested for COVID-19, individuals must present proof of New Jersey residency. Technicians will be screening individuals for symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, shortness of breath, coughing) and those who do not exhibit symptoms will be turned away. Physician notes are not required. However, if an individual has a physician’s note they are encouraged to bring it with them.
Please continue to practice preventative measures to limit the spread of COVID-19, such as washing your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, practice social distancing and staying home if you feel sick.
The Bergen County Health Hotline is (201)-225-7000. For additional resources please visit
This is an ever evolving situation and we will continue to provide important information. Help us to share facts, not fear.
The county has 363 presumptive positive COVID-19 cases as of Saturday (on Sunday, that went up to 457 as of Sunday afternoon).
**Please note that numbers may vary from the State due to varied reporting times and pending case verifications.
As of 1pm Sunday March 22nd, there are 1924 COVID-19 cases statewide, and 20 death.
COVID-19 Cases by County (according to the NJDOH as of 1pm Sunday March 22nd).
Data is provisional and subsequent to revision.
211 Positives Pending Further Information
Bergen County:
457 Positive Test Result(s)
Essex County:
172 Positive Test Result(s)
Monmouth County:
158 Positive Test Result(s)
Middlesex County:
147 Positive Test Result(s)
Hudson County:
126 Positive Test Result(s)
Union County:
124 Positive Test Result(s)
Morris County:
119 Positive Test Result(s)
Ocean County:
102 Positive Test Result(s)
Passaic County:
95 Positive Test Result(s)
Somerset County:
51 Positive Test Result(s)
Mercer County:
40 Positive Test Result(s)
Burlington County:
26 Positive Test Result(s)
Camden County:
22 Positive Test Result(s)
Hunterdon County:
16 Positive Test Result(s)
Sussex County:
12 Positive Test Result(s)
Warren County:
9 Positive Test Result(s)
Gloucester County:
8 Positive Test Result(s)
Atlantic County:
5 Positive Test Result(s)
Cape May County:
2 Positive Test Result(s)
Cumberland County:
1 Positive Test Result(s)
Salem County:
1 Positive Test Result(s)
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