Cryan: ‘We Have Stood on the Front Lines for Democratic Values’


By Joe Cryan

We will run on our record. As a Democratic County Committee, we have brought Democratic majorities for Democrats on the local, county and state levels including, Senator Robert Menendez, Senator Cory Booker, Congressman Tom Malinowski , and Congressman Donald Payne, along with representatives in the General Assembly and numerous Union County freeholders. Democratic candidates fight for Democratic values and run to make things better for those they wish to represent, not simply to say they hold elected office. We have done the work to get candidates elected and to make things better for every resident, which is the mission of the county committee.

Time and again we have stood up to Chris Christie and Donald Trump on the front lines for Democratic values and we have achieved success while others have sat silently or, worse, worked against our Democratic candidates only to then claim they are a part of our Party.

Our Township Committee is diverse, accomplished and, most importantly, qualified.  I’m proud to support Suzette Cavadas and Clif People in this primary cycle because they are real Democrats who have achieved real results. Clif , a Vietnam veteran, was our first African American mayor in Union and, since first being elected, he has worked hard to provide a new community meeting place, new streetscape projects, a reeducation in crime nearly every year he has been in office,  and achievements too long to list here.  Suzette is also a former mayor, as well as a successful attorney, wife, mother, soccer coach and PTA mom.  They are both are full time, life time Democrats who know that Democratic values aren’t compromised and they can never be added to a biography simply to try and win an election.

As a former Democratic state chair, I’m proud of my record of diversity and inclusiveness. Fighting to get more women elected to the legislature while achieving Democratic gains all over the state and serving as chair of the New Jersey state committee for Barack Obama’s election in 2008 remain some of my proudest achievements as a state chair. I bring the same passion for inclusiveness to my work as a local municipal chair each day.

Joe Cryan is the 20th district Senator and chairman of the Union Twp. Democratic Party. Earlier today, a team of rivals issued a challenge. 

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