Dems Seek Tax Return Requirement for Prez and VP Candidates on NJ Ballot

The assembly today passed Assembly No. 4520, authored by Assemblyman John McKeon (D-27) and Assemblyman Troy Singleton (D-7) pictured above, which would forbid candidates for President and Vice President to appear on the ballot in New Jersey if they fail to first file copies of their federal income tax returns with the state Division of Elections.
Aimed at punishing the tax return-resistant President Donald J. Trump, the vote tally was 48-26, and came after Democrats rejected a motion by Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick (R-21) to table.
“Transparency in government is vitally important,” Bramnick dead-panned. “But in this house there is no requirement for us in any way… to furnish our tax returns. I would be willing and ready to vote for a bill that holds all of us to a standard that the assemblyman wants to hold the president and vice president.”
That motion failed, then Assemblyman Jay Webber (R-26) voiced his strong opposition based on constitutional grounds, arguing the contents of that primary document laying out specific requirements.
“My Irish is up today,” said the assemblyman. “This one’s a doozy.”
For more details on this story, please go here.
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