The End of the Mount Olive Obama Paver Saga

Turns out there are some Barack Obama supporters in New Jersey after all, most notably the state Democratic Committee.
That is not surprising, but what was a bit hard to understand is why it took so long for the creators of a veterans' memorial in Mount Olive to find a sponsor for a tribute to Obama.
Now the state Democratic Committee has agreed to underwrite the tribute for the sponsorship cost of $1,500.
This saga involves a war memorial in Mount Olive Township’s Turkey Brook Park created a number of years ago by township resident Charlie Uhrmann and her husband.
One part of the tribute is a path of brick pavers featuring every U.S. president. Presidents are sponsored by individuals and groups.
Uhrmann had secured sponsors for every president – including Donald Trump – but not for Obama,. She said she had contacted local, county and state Democratic organizations without success.
But after her plight was written about by Insidernj a week or so ago, Uhrmann says the state Democratic Committee has agreed to underwrite the cost of a paver for Obama.
The paver should be ready for Memorial Day ceremonies.
Who knows? Now that state Democrats have discovered Morris County, the
governor may consider attending.
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