Jacob and Keady Join Forces with Nina Turner at Scheduled NJ Progressive Rally


Nina Turner, President of Our Revolution, the progressive advocacy organization that grew out of the Bernie Sanders campaign, will appear Saturday at a rally for progressive congressional candidates Peter Jacob (CD7) and Jim Keady (CD4), as well as hundreds of candidates running for county committee.

Other featured speakers include Analillia Mejia, executive Director of Working Families, Larry Hamm, People’s Organization for Progress, and Our Revolution endorsed congressional candidates Keady and Jacob.

The rally is hosted by Jacob, Our Revolution New Jersey, New Jersey Our Revolution county and local chapters and Rutgers University Progressives.

Prior to the rally, Turner will hold a private roundtable with Our Revolution leaders from around the state.


Over 450 people have already reserved tickets for the event.

​1:00 Saturday (doors open at 12:30)

Location: Busch Student Center, Rutgers University

​ ​604 Bartholomew Road, Piscataway
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