Legislators, Leaders React To Governor Murphy’s FY2022 Budget Proposal


Governor Murphy delivered his FY2022 budget address (watch here and read here) this afternoon, using a pre-recorded address to lay out his $4.8B election-year proposal that doesn’t raise taxes or add new fees. Among the proposal’s components: an income tax rebate of up to $500 for over 750k families; a $6.4B pension payment; over $9B in direct school aid; EITC expansion; and continued funding of the Senior Freeze and Homestead Rebate programs. In laying out his budget proposal, Murphy said ‘our problems weren’t created overnight and, frankly, they won’t be fixed overnight. But I know that brighter days lay ahead’.

Leaders, legislators, and organizations reacted to the budget address:

  • Speaker Coughlin said the proposal ‘includes things to be encouraged by‘ and that he looks forward to a ‘thorough and robust review’ by the Assembly Budget Committee
  • GOP gubernatorial primary candidate Jack Ciattarelli slammed the proposal as an ‘insult’
  • Senator Ruiz applauded the increase in education funding
  • Senator Sarlo called it a ‘reasonable proposal
  • Senator O’Scanlon called it a ‘tax gun‘ aimed at residents’ wallets for after the election
  • Senator Testa said the proposal ‘doesn’t get the job done‘ in fixing problems with the state’s unemployment system
  • Senator Oroho said the proposal is about ‘protecting one job, his own
  • Senator Bucco expressed disappointment that the Governor didn’t offer details on fixing the state’s computer systems
  • Assemblyman Johnson said the proposal is ‘exactly what residents need
  • Assemblyman Burzichelli said the proposal ‘covers all the right priorities
  • Assemblywoman Pintor Marin said she appreciates the ‘breadth and positivity‘ of the proposal
  • Assembly Majority Leader Greenwald said he’s pleased with the restoration of the Senior Freeze and Homestead Rebate programs
  • The NJBIA appreciated proposal containing no new taxes or fees in the proposal, but expressed concern over overall spending
  • CWA President Rosenstein applauded the full pension payment, saying the Governor is a ‘truly the man of the hour’
  • The Chemistry Council of NJ said that while programs to address social inequalities are valuable, job training and access to high-paying jobs are critical as well
  • The NJ AFL-CIO said the proposal will benefit taxpaying working families
  • The Garden State Initiative’s President Egea scoffed at the proposal, saying ‘make no mistake, New Jersey, your taxes just went up’
  • NFIB called for pension benefits to be restructured to make it sustainable
  • The NJHA applauded the increase in CharityCare funding
  • NJ Future applauded the proposal’s ‘commitment to smart growth values’
  • The Sierra Club expressed concern with decreased funding for the Clean Energy Fund
  • AARP NJ applauded the proposal’s support for older workers and retirees
  • NJ Policy Perspective said the proposal ‘meets the moment‘ with ‘big investments to fund pandemic recovery’
  • Latinx and immigrant leaders and advocates expressed disappointment that aid for undocumented immigrants wasn’t included in the proposal
  • The NJEA applauded the proposal as ‘strong, progressive’
  • The NJLCV and NJ Conservation Foundation applauded the proposal’s focus on green jobs
  • NJLM President Kovach called for full restoration of municipal aid
  • NJDSC Chairman Currie said the proposal ‘puts us on a path to a brighter future’
  • AFSCME NJ Executive Director Tully said they ‘strongly support‘ the proposal
  • The NJCPA said the proposal is an ‘opportunity to make responsible decisions’
  • The ACLU-NJ applauded components of the proposal
  • The Institute for Social Justice said there’s ‘much to be encouraged about’ in the proposal
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