Amy Kennedy Releases Economic Policy to Rebuild South Jersey Economy

Amy Kennedy Releases Economic Policy to Rebuild South Jersey Economy
Brigantine, NJ – Today, Amy Kennedy, candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s second district, released an Economic Policy, detailing her commitment to rebuilding South Jersey’s economy. South Jersey’s economy was struggling even before the coronavirus pandemic, and is now facing the highest unemployment rates since 1976.
Kennedy pledges to protect working families through bold solutions for economic recovery, job creation, and ensuring that families can keep up with rising costs. Additionally, Kennedy is committed to helping small businesses who have been devastated in the COVID-19 pandemic, investing in infrastructure and clean energy, making childcare affordable for all, strengthening and reforming health care, targeting COVID relief to Americans not corporations, addressing food insecurity and preparing for future crises.
Amy Kennedy said, “My family has lived in South Jersey for four generations, I know South Jersey has struggled economically long before the coronavirus pandemic. Now, as families are devastated by yet another recession, we need a leader that is willing to put forward bold plans to rebuild South Jersey’s economy so that it works for all communities. Our families, our children and our community needs change and a bold leader who is willing to put working families and small businesses ahead of their own self-interest and interests of big corporations. I’m committed to fighting for a strong, lasting and equitable economy for our generation and those to come.”
“The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated countless businesses, and made it nearly impossible for them to recover. We support Amy because I know she’s willing to put small businesses before big corporations,” said Amer Kashmiri of the Atlantic City Merchant’s Association. “South Jersey was built on small and independent businesses and our communities thrive because of them. We need leaders like Amy, who will build up our economy for small businesses, for working families and for our children and their future.”
Amy’s Economic Policy is the latest in a series of comprehensive policy plans that she has released including a Healthcare Plan, Workers’ Bill of Rights, an Environmental Protection Policy, a Veterans Policy and a Clean Elections plan, among others, all detailing how she will fight for the people of South Jersey as a member of Congress.