Assembly Community Development and Affairs, Labor Committees to Convene Monday, June 15
Assembly Community Development and Affairs, Labor Committees to Convene Monday, June 15
Legislation Addressing Pertaining to NJ Workforce and NJ Law Enforcement Reform
(TRENTON) – Strengthening law enforcement policies in New Jersey to address rising community concerns over policing methods and reviewing bills pertaining to various labor concerns, the Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee and the Assembly Labor Committee will hold remote voting sessions on Monday, June 15.
The Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee will meet on Monday, June 15, 2020 at 10:30 AM in Committee Room 11, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ.
The Assembly Labor Committee will meet remotely on Monday, June 15, 2020 at 3:00 PM in Committee Room 11, Fourth Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, New Jersey.
Video and audio live stream of the committee is available:
The full agendas can also be found here.
The public is encouraged to submit testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written testimony will be included in the committee record and distributed to the committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors and the public will not be allowed to attend the meeting in person. The Committee will take oral testimony on bills, by telephone and/or video, limited to three minutes. If you are interested in testifying orally, you should fill out the Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature home page. The form must be submitted by 3:00 PM Friday, June 5, 2020. Committee contact information will be forwarded to you.
The following bill(s) will be considered:
Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee:
Speight/McKnight/ Timberlake (pending referral) |
Requires AG to collect, record, analyze, and report certain prosecutorial and criminal justice data. |
Wimberly/Holley (pending referral) |
Decriminalizes possession of 10 grams or less of marijuana and personal-use amount of regulated marijuana-infused products; requires substance abuse treatment under certain circumstances. |
Wimberly/ Reynolds-Jackson/Tucker (pending referral) |
Includes false incrimination and filing false police report as form of bias intimidation; establishes crime of false 9-1-1 call with purpose to intimidate or harass based on race or other protected class. |
Wimberly/Johnson/Holley (pending referral) |
Requires law enforcement agencies in this State to establish minority recruitment and selection programs; establishes reporting requirement. |
Reynolds-Jackson/Murphy/ Timberlake (pending referral) |
Requires DLPS to incorporate implicit bias in cultural diversity training materials for law enforcement officers; makes mandatory cultural diversity and implicit bias training for law officers. |
Lopez (pending referral) |
Includes crime of false reports to law enforcement authorities as form of bias intimidation. |
Quijano (pending intro and referral) |
Provides for certain criminal and civil justice reforms, particularly with respect to legal consequences associated with certain marijuana and hashish offenses as well as broadening awareness of available expungement relief. |
McKnight (pending intro and referral) |
Establishes municipal civilian review boards to review complaints against police officers. |
Sumter (pending intro and referral) |
Expands category of lists from which single juror source list is compiled to include persons who are utility customers, have non-driver identification card, or have applied for or received various types of assistance. |
Pintor Marin/Lopez/Quijano (pending referral) *SCR-53 Ruiz/Cunningham (pending referral)
Establishes the “Commission on Reentry Services for Women.” |
Assembly Labor Committee:
Verrelli S-972 Madden/Sweeney |
Concerns skilled and trained workforce in work by contractors in certain industries. |
Lopez/Reynolds-Jackson/Timberlake S-973 Ruiz/Singleton |
Requires Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development to establish apprenticeship mentoring program for women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. |
DeAngelo/Egan/Giblin/ Verrelli S-1370 Sweeney/Scutari/ Greenstein |
Revises definition of “public works projects” to permit project labor agreements for more projects. |