Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove Named to NJ Legislative Youth Council

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove Named to NJ Legislative Youth Council

9th District Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove has been named to the New Jersey Legislative Youth Council.

The Council was created through legislation passed unanimously by the Legislature last year and signed into law early this year. As provided under the enabling legislation, the Council is to provide a forum for New Jersey’s youth to participate in the democratic process; to advise the Legislature and its committees, commissions, and task forces on the perspectives, opinions, needs, development, and welfare of the youth of the State; and on the most effective and efficient policies, programs, and services that the State could provide for the youth of this State.

The Council will also research, analyze, discuss, and make specific recommendations in the areas of civics education; drugs and substance abuse; emotional and physical health; employment and economic opportunities; environmental protection; gun violence and school safety; homelessness and poverty; mental health; safe environment for youth; sexual harassment and violence; youth services; and youth bias and hate crimes.

Fellow 9th District members, Senator Christopher Connors and Assemblyman Brian Rumpf, praised the Assemblywoman’s appoint to the Council due to her extensive background and experience in both public education and government services.

Assemblywoman Gove made the following remarks regarding her appointment to the New Jersey Legislative Youth Council:

“Serving on the Legislative Youth Council in many ways marries my responsibilities in my 30-year career as an educator in the state public education system to my current duties as a member of the State Legislature.

“As a teacher I consistently emphasized the compelling need for greater participation among our youth in the legislative process as something that they continue into adulthood. It was, and still is, incumbent upon me to instill in our youth the right to vote, which many of our nation’s veterans have died to defend, is a privilege that free people must exercise to ensure that their government, and its policies, are reflective of the peoples’ best interest.

“For our form of government to work properly, there must be respect for and a greater understanding of both the legislative and election process. Our youth must understand that sitting on the sidelines cannot be an option.

“Certainly, the Legislative Youth Council can serve as an effective forum for our future leaders to be in a better position to serve our communities and ensure that fundamental principles of our system of government are protected and respected.

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