Congressman Van Drew: Regional Agreement to Lower Energy Costs is a Small but Necessary Step in the Right Direction


Congressman Van Drew: Regional Agreement to Lower Energy Costs is a Small but Necessary Step in the Right Direction


Washington, DC –Today, Congressman Van Drew stated that the agreement reached between Pennsylvania and PJM Interconnection—a regional transmission organization that oversees electricity movement across 13 states, including New Jersey—is a small but necessary step toward stopping the rapidly rising energy costs. This deal comes after Pennsylvania filed a complaint with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) against PJM in December of 2024. The agreement is expected to prevent yet another staggering rate increase and save consumers over $21 billion in energy costs over the next two years by significantly reducing their price cap at auction. While this alone will not reduce energy rates, it will help prevent further increases.


“This agreement with PJM is a good first step in addressing the burden of rising and unfair electricity costs in our region,” said Congressman Van Drew. “For months, my office has led efforts to hold utility providers accountable and ensure transparency in rate increases. Through legislative initiatives and direct engagement with FERC, my office has pushed for stronger oversight to protect New Jersey consumers. I urge FERC to extend similar scrutiny to New Jersey to ensure fair energy prices for all ratepayers.


“While I am relieved to see this immediate rate hike prevented, much more needs to be done. The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) must rein in utility companies instead of rubber-stamping every rate increase they request. Instead of subsidizing failed wind turbines, we should have been prioritizing more reliable and sustainable sources like nuclear and solar energy. I am calling on the state of New Jersey to conduct a full review of all state-mandated charges on utility bills. Hard-working New Jerseyans cannot afford to pay inflated bills that fund bloated state coffers or failed green energy projects. It is time we focus on practical, cost-effective solutions that will benefit the people of our state.”

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