Cooper Groundbreaking Shows Political Establishment Is Alive And Well

Cooper Groundbreaking Shows Political Establishment Is Alive And Well
Durr is the only candidate not connected to the political establishment
LOGAN TWP – Republican gubernatorial candidate former state Senator Ed “The Trucker” Durr responding to reports published last week highlighting that five New Jersey governors are joining indicted Democrat powerbroker George Norcross for a groundbreaking at Cooper Hospital said this is exactly the kind of thing he is running against.
“Governor Murphy and four former governors willingly standing and showing support for a political powerbroker under indictment is part of the problem with government in New Jersey. It shows the establishment is alive and well,” Ed “The Trucker” Durr said. “The fact that not one of my opponents has spoken out against it demonstrates they are all part of the political establishment. It is the establishment in action and exactly what I am running against.”
Durr added, “The establishment, the old boys’ network, whatever you want to call it has led to the corruption, real or perceived, that average New Jerseyans complain about. The same establishment is what continues to make New Jersey less affordable every day. I am running for governor to put an end to politics as usual.”
“There are those who have said I am running in someone else’s lane.” Durr said, “Nothing could be further from the truth. All three of my opponents are part of or connected to the old boys’ network and two of them are fighting over which is more Trump-like.”
Durr continued, “You have Jack Ciattarelli running around claiming he was responsible for my win in 2021 when the truth is he wouldn’t be seen in the third legislative district with me because he was afraid of upsetting former Seante President Sweeney. He even went so far as to have his campaign confirm his running mate would join me for a fundraiser only to have her no-show. His campaign did everything they could not to upset the political establishment.
“Then there’s Bill Spadea. He’s been siding with establishment picks since he joined forces with their preferred US Senate candidate, John Crowley, in 2008. It makes sense that his campaign is filled with establishment types, the same establishment he claims to be against. He’s just trying to break into the old boys’ network.
“Finally, there’s Senator Bramnick, a likable guy, but he’s been a part of the old boys’ network since before he was appointed to the Assembly in 2003.”
“The silence from my fellow Republican gubernatorial candidates on the Cooper Hospital groundbreaking clearly shows which candidate has no connection to the political establishment.” Durr said, “The establishment never wanted me, they didn’t lift a finger to help in 2021 and I won. In 2023 the establishment was part of my campaign and I lost. I’ll never make that mistake again and, as governor, I will break up the old boys’ network and make New Jersey affordable.”
Paid for by Durr for Governor