DeFusco Campaign: Mayor Bhalla Puts Politics Over Good Policy by Failing to Sign Councilman DeFusco’s Ethics Ordinance
HOBOKEN, N.J. — Mayor Ravi Bhalla is putting politics over common sense reform by failing to sign a new ethics law cosponsored by Councilman Mike DeFusco and Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher. The ordinance was adopted by the City Council during the August 7 meeting to replace the dated legislation that still allows public employees to use computers, telephones and other public resources, such as Hoboken’s emergency alert system, for political and campaign related purposes. Despite being approved 6-2, with the mayor’s allies voting against the ordinance, Mayor Bhalla chose not to take any action on the new legislation.
“The Mayor and his administration have repeatedly misused taxpayer resources to advance their own political agendas,” said Councilman Mike DeFusco. “Politics should never be operating out of City Hall or influencing the decisions being made that affect Hoboken residents. It’s alarming, though not surprising, that Mayor Bhalla would intentionally fail to put his signature on a piece of common sense legislation that bars city employees from performing political activities during business hours on the taxpayers’ dime.”
Mayor Bhalla is running Migdalia Pagan Milano, his own political aide in the Office of Constituent Services, for the First Ward Council seat in the November 5 election. This is potentially the first time in Hoboken where a City Hall employee has simultaneously run for elected office, leaving great room for impropriety.
“The mayor’s inaction is seemingly a blatant attempt to turn a blind eye to the fact his handpicked candidates undoubtedly have access to sensitive information and city data. This is unprecedented behavior, given the great threat of city resources being improperly utilized during this election cycle,” said Councilman DeFusco.