Sierra Club: Today is Election Day, Go Vote!

Today is Election Day, Go Vote!


This is a very important election year, with new candidates running for top statewide seats. Your vote will make a difference for New Jersey’s environment and future. Do the most important thing for the planet and the state: Vote for candidates who will work for the environment. Today is election day, and we are urging our members to go and vote!  The New Jersey Sierra Club has endorsed Tom Malinowski for New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District and Mikie Sherrill for New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District.


“This is the most important election on the environment in a very long time. There are clear choices between those who support clean air, clean water, and climate protections; and those who side with special interest. No matter what district you’re in, it’s important that you make your voice heard and elect people who will represent you!” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club.


Sierra Club members and voters are encouraged to take particular notice of the races in Districts 11 and 7, which are most likely to be close. Our volunteers have been phone banking and canvassing to help in this campaign as well. We proudly endorsed candidates, incumbents or newcomers, who have a history of fighting against dirty energy and advocating for renewable energy and energy efficiency instead.


“We are endorsing Tom Malinowski because he will stand up to Congress and support the public. He has the experience to walk right into to Congress and lead. We need a congressperson who will stand up to the environment here and across the country and we believe Tom will do just that. We believe his experience as a diplomat in the Clinton and Obama administrations will enable him to hit the ground running working with an understanding of the federal government and would be able to help in our efforts to enforce environmental regulations. He has opposed the PennEast pipeline that would cut through his district and threaten open space, farmland and drinking water for too many people. He will support full funding for the EPA and defend its authority to regulate, monitor, and enforce strong standards that hold fossil fuel polluters accountable. He will also support policies that not only preserve and protect the environment but promote racial, economic, social, and environmental justice,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. We consider Tom as the best and most viable candidate to be able to take on Congressman Lance and beat him.


Tom Malinowski has a good grasp of federal lands policy and the need to protect the Antiquities Act.  He has pledged to support policies that protect our air and water, and incentivize the green technologies on which our future jobs depend and understand the impact of climate change.  In New Jersey we are working to fight to stop the PennEast Pipeline, and if elected, Mr. Malinoski said he would work to require the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to get more public input before approving pipeline projects and measure environmental impact in a more rigorous way.


“We endorsed Mikie Sherril for New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District because We need a congressperson who will stand up to the environment here and across the country and we believe Mikie will do just that. She will support legislation that will create green jobs and protect our air and water in New Jersey. She will oppose new oil and offshore drilling. She will also support climate smart strategies rather than high carbon or dirty fuels systems to tackle climate change,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “We believe she will be an environmental leader and champion for the people of her district. Mikie will fight for New Jersey’s environment, public health, and economy and we fully endorse her for U.S Congress in the 2018 election.”


Mikie Sherill believes climate change is real and is a threat to our environment, our economy, and our national security. As a former Naval helicopter pilot who served in Europe and the Middle East, she understands the threat that climate change poses. She has served in regions of the word where water scarcity, or air pollution, are already day-to-day concerns. We know that New Jersey will pay a terrible price if we don’t take meaningful action to end our reliance on dirty fossil fuels and transition to a clean energy economy. Mikie believes this should not be a partisan issue. As a mother of four young children, she is deeply concerned about the direction of our country and the world they inherit. She wants to build the brightest possible future for them and for the people of the 11th Congressional District.


“The Sierra Club knows that it’s not only critical to endorse these candidates; we have to get out and support then. We have been encouraging everyone to get out and vote today! We need to make New Jersey a leader once more in clean energy and environmental protections. We can do this by electing responsible environmental champions to all levels of our government. We need to have clean air, water, and open space and we need elected officials that will fight for these,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club.

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