Sen. Jon Bramnick Discusses the Current Republican Brand on State of Affairs

Sen. Jon Bramnick, 21st Legislative District, joins Steve Adubato for a discussion about the evolution of the Republican brand and bipartisan childcare reform. Recorded 3/21/23
Steve Adubato asks Sen. Bramnick about his biggest concern with Governor Murphy’s administration and public policy. Sen Bramnick responds, “I like Phil Murphy, but when you see what he does in terms of his policies, in my judgment, it’s way too far to the left. What happens is, the only reason I think somebody like Murphy gets reelected, though as I said I like him personally, is because they don’t trust the Republicans. The Republican brand has, in my judgment, been injured and hurt by people like Trump, so what happens is in this last election we lost because they don’t trust Republicans, not that they love Democrats. So, we’ve seen him sign legislation that actually put a police officer in a criminal situation, if he told parents of a 10-year-old that the 10-year-old was drinking beer, smoking marijuana. That’s extreme. So, we’ve seen it over and over again from the Murphy Administration, but we can’t win because the moderate, independent voters don’t trust the Republican brand, and I’m going to fight like hell, I’m going to fight to make sure that brand is a brand of civility, respect, and moderation.”
I’m Republican and Bramnick is a childish bully. He’s got to blame someone, Trump in this case, why Republicans don’t win in New Jersey. The reason Republicans don’t win in NJ is because of idiots like Bramnick attacking members of their own PARTY!!!! Democrats-Communists stick together to maintain and retain power. Instead of trashing candidates in the Republican Party, Bramnick needs to stop his infantile whining, and get with the program and get his party to work for New Jerseyans, specifically with massive PROPERTY TAX RELIEF!!!! That should be Bramnick’s and his party’s ONLY CONCERN!!!!