State Troopers Fraternal Association Endorses Governor Murphy

Governor Murphy was endorsed this morning by the State Troopers Fraternal Association PAC, the first law enforcement union to back him for re-election in November.
The STFA released the following endorsement statement:
The State Troopers Fraternal Association {STFA) PAC today announced their endorsement of Governor Phil Murphy for re-election.
The STFA praised Governor Murphy for his accomplishments during his first term, which include defending the collective bargaining process, making historic pension contributions, and providing the tools and funding for effective public safety practices.
Wayne Blanchard, President of the STFA stated, ‘T he STFA Political Action Committee’s endorsement of Governor Murphy is a clear referendum of a governor who has kept his campaign promises of making New Jersey a stronger, fairer state.”
“Whether it was a fair and level playing field at the bargaining table or supporting strong public safety legislation that has created a safer working environment for our members while balancing the rights of other stakeholders, Governor Murphy has hit the mark.”
“We are forever grateful of Governor Murphy’s administration’s admiration of the hard work that men and women of the STFA do day in and day out, protecting the people of our great state.”
‘To the men and women who protect our great state, I am honored to stand with you and receive this endorsement from the State Troopers Fraternal Association PAC,” said Governor Murphy. ‘Through our partnership, we will continue to uphold our commitment to protect New Jerseyans, ensure the safety of all STFA members, and build a stronger and fairer state for everyone.”
The State Troopers Fraternal Association (STFA) represents over 1,700 rank and file New Jersey State Troopers.
They should be ashamed. He is so anti-police. I guess they support being defunded, etc.