Sweeney on Booker V. Bloomberg: ‘If Cory’s in, I’m There’

Michael Bloomberg, who says he may run for president as a Democrat, was in Camden County tonight.
But as fate would have it, one of the most prominent South Jersey Democrats, Senate President Steve Sweeney, was at the other end of the state attending a fundraiser in Cliffside Park for state Sen. Joseph Lagana of District 38 in Bergen County.
Asked about Bloomberg and 2020 presidential politics, Sweeney said it’s far too early for that.
But then he quickly added, “If Cory is in, I’m there.” That of course would be Cory Booker.
As the crowd enjoyed drinks and snacks at the VIlla Amalfi Restaurant, the name of state Democratic chair John Currie came up.
He is not one of Sweeney’s favorites.
The Senate President said only that Currie “chose sides” in some of the Dems’ recent intra-party battles.
And that, said Sweeney, is not what a party chair should do.
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