Read Insider NJ’s Morning Intelligence Briefing: 8/7/2020
Read Insider NJ’s Morning Intelligence Briefing: 8/7/2020
Read Insider NJ’s Morning Intelligence Briefing: 8/6/2020
Read Insider NJ’s Morning Intelligence Briefing: 8/5/2020
Read Insider NJ’s Morning Intelligence Briefing: 8/4/2020
Read Insider NJ’s Morning Intelligence Briefing: 8/3/2020
Governor Murphy on Friday conditionally vetoed A-3971/S-2475 (Benson, Coughlin, DeAngelo, DeCroce/Singleton, Gopal, Scutari), which authorizes the issuance of “coronavirus relief bonds” by municipalities and counties.
In his CV memo, Murphy said the ‘better pathway to accomplish this result is to build upon the well-established local budgetary and debt structures in facilitating this critical relief, rather than to create a new, additional financing mechanism for this singular purpose.’
The Governor listed his recommendations for amending the bill:
A3971CVThe Assembly this afternoon passed a bill designating the third Friday in June in each year as Juneteenth Day and establishes it as a State holiday.
The vote tally was 62-0-12.
Among those abstaining was Assemblyman Hal Wirths (R-24), who said he didn’t oppose the thought process behind the holiday but said he could only support yet another state holiday if the legislature eliminated an existing holiday.
The Senate Judiciary Committee this morning approved Paul A. Juliano to be a member of the Horizon Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Inc. of New Jersey Board of Trustees.
Juliano is the chairman of the Bergen County Democratic Committee.
The full senate later affirmd the nomination by a vote of 39-1.
Governor Phil Murphy today said he’s not going to Milwaukee for the Democratic Convention next month.