Read Insider NJ’s Morning Intelligence Briefing: 6/30/2020
Read Insider NJ’s Morning Intelligence Briefing: 6/30/2020
To a Hudson outsider, the late flurry of prop-up activity around U.S. Rep. Albio Sires (D-8) gives the appearance of a real Democratic Primary contest over there.
It isn’t, but it’s interesting anyway because of what it reveals about the continuing functioning reliance of Sires on the twin political machines of state Senator Brian Stack and Senator Nick Sacco. The unreliable and unknown nature of an all-vote-by-mail (VBM) election cycle have the machines in hurry-up mode to absolutely crush challenger Hector Oseguera and make an example out of him.
In the meantime, Osequera has given insiders an election time conversation starter. If there’s no competitive election in Hudson, they must find some dramatic component, at the very least, in order to keep the banter alive.
If Sires wins but does not annihilate him on July 7th, will the converation with greater intrigue heading toward 2022?
Governor Phil Murphy told reporters this afternoon that he has scrapped the regular use of a desk formerly used by former New Jersey Governor Woodrow Wilson, a former U.S. president and founder of the League of Nations.
“I did swap out my desk at the end of the week,” Murphy said. “The country is having a reckoning. Woodrow Wilson and his legacy is being swept up in that, as it should be. …As soon as I could get a replacement, I got one.”
Wilson’s racism is well-documented.
According to The Atlantic:
As president, Wilson oversaw unprecedented segregation in federal offices. It’s a shameful side to his legacy that came to a head one fall afternoon in 1914 when he threw the civil-rights leader William Monroe Trotter out of the Oval Office.
Murphy’s decision to junk Wilson’s desk represented a double weekend hit for the only New Jersey pol to cut his professional teeth in this state ever to become president.
Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin (D-19) today reminded members of the Assembly to keep their masks on while speaking, or, to use Couglin’s word – “orating.”
“If you don’t, more particles will fly out,” said Coughlin.
Today, the Senate passed S232 (Singleton). The bill concerns environmental permits in burdened communities. The bill would require that a person who is seeking a permit for a new facility, or for the expansion of an existing facility, that is located in a burdened community meets certain additional requirements. The bill defines burdened communities’ as any area that is ranked in the bottom 33% of census tracts in the State for median household income.
“For far too long, certain communities in New Jersey have been overburdened by pollution. This legislation will help protect disadvantaged and minority communities that have been a dumping ground for facilities that no one wants. We have been trying to get legislation like this passed for over 20 years, and meanwhile these communities keep getting dumped on. Most of our toxic sites, airports, incinerators, cement plants, and other major polluting facilities are located in low-income, minority, and overburdened communities,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “Now that this bill has passed the Senate, it needs to pass the Assembly. It is time that we start giving these communities a voice when it comes to all permits, as well as getting renewable energy and energy efficiency benefits, toxic cleanups, and access to parks and open space.”
The state senate this afternoon unanimously passed a bill designating June 19 in each year, known as Juneteenth Day, as a State and public holiday.
Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when Union General Gordon Granger rode into Galveston, Texas to inform enslaved people of the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation and of their freedom. The announcement from General Granger led to celebration and jubilation, which has continued each year in various forms throughout the United States for over 150 years.
The New Jersey Senate this afternoon paid tribute to Carmen Benitez, who is retiring as director of administration.
They honored the 40-year veteran – who started in the Statehouse aged 16 – with her own proclamation after many of them offered extensive praise.
Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3) was visibly moved.
“It’s heartbreaking to see you leave. Your smile made a big difference in a lot of people’s lives. I wish you nothing but the best,” Sweeney said.
The Senate Judiciary Committee this afternoon reaffirmed Julio Marenco for a position on the State Parole Board.
Marenco is a North Bergen commissioner and a strong ally of state Senator Nick Sacco (D-32). He has served as a member of the state parole board for ten years.
“Julio is an outstanding member of the Hudson community,” said state Senator Brian P. Stack (D-33).
State Senator Nellie Pou (D-35) likewise praised Marenco as a hard and dedicated worker.
In the area of public service, “He gives it 300%,” said state Senator Paul Sarlo (D-36).
State Senator Nick Scutari (D-22), chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he would make an effort to secure an emergency to get the full senate later this afternoon during the scheduled session to move Marenco and the other following nominees and their respective prospective positions (listed below):
Eleanor A. Bochenek, Ph.D. to be a member of the Marine Fisheries Council |
Paul T. Felder to be a member of the Shellfisheries Council |
Stephen J. Fleetwood to be a member of the Shellfisheries Council |
Warren Hollinger, Sr. to be a member of the Shellfisheries Council |
Fred Hopke to be a Workers’ Compensation Judge |
Vidya Prasad to be a Workers’ Compensation Judge |
Robert R. Rush, Jr. to be a member of the Marine Fisheries Council |
Scott Sheppard to be a member of the Shellfisheries Council |
Read Insider NJ’s Morning Intelligence Briefing: 6/29/2020