Three from Wayne File Intent to Recall Foul-Mouthed Councilman

Responding to a video of a profanity-laced spat in the days leading up to Election Day earlier this month, three Wayne residents this afternoon filed a notice of intent with the Wayne Clerk in hopes of setting in motion an effort to recall Councilman Richard Jasterzbski.
Alan Purcell, Anthony Ciambrone, and Roberyt Ceberio affixed their names to the letter of intent, requesting a scheduled recall election of Jasterzbski for the November general election.
“The video consisted of vulgar and sexually explicit language and was the subject of numerous newspaper articles and televised on channel 4, 11 and 12,” the wrote to the clerk. “We believe that regardless of whether or not he expresses any remorse in the future, the crude, vicious and sexually explicit nature of his verbal comments… evidences unacceptable treatment of women.”
To watch the video, please go here.
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